WebLogic JMS Integration With SpringBoot Example — Queue/Topic
Setting up with WebLogic Server on MacOs & spring-boot integration for posting messages to JMS queue/topic - reading messages from JMS queue/topic.
Make sure you have java8 installed and java home path well set i.e
Steps to install WebLogic Server
1. Download using the recommended version link provided — Click Here
2. Unzip it, go inside and execute following commands. I have this copied to /oracle:
$ java -jar fmw_12.
* Wait for some time until copying done to 100% complete.
* Now check if you got this folder wls12213
* Go to /wls12213/oracle_common/common/bin/ and execute
* A configuration wizard should pop up. Just keep everything as defaults -> Next -> Create Password -> Next -> Create -> Finish
* The domain location is /wls12213/user_projects/domains/base_domain
3. Go to /wls12213/user_projects/domains/base_domain and execute
to start your weblogic server.
4. If all went good, go to your browser and hit http://localhost:7001/console/ , you should be able to see the login dashboard now. Enter the username as weblogic and the password you already created.
5. Congratulations!! You are in.

The belowis the landing page we refer to for Environment and Services sections:

WebLogic JMS configuration setup
1. Click on Server inside Environment on the landing page and you should have AdminServer running on 7001

2. Now go back to landing page and click on JMS Servers inside Environmet - Messaging section :
* Click New
* Name your new JMS Server i.e DemoJMSServer-0
* Next
* Click on Create a New Store, select a store type as File Store
* Name your new file store i.e DemoFileStore-0
* Chose JMS File Store Targets as AdminServer
* Finish
* Chose Persistent Store as DemoFileStore-0
* Select target as AdminServer
* You are good to see this page:

3. Now go back to landing page and click on JMS Modules inside Environmet - Messaging section :
* Click New
* Name your system module i.e DemoSystemModule-0
* Next
* Tick AdminServer
* Tick Would you like to add resources to this JMS system module?
* Finish
* You are good to see this page

4. Now go back to landing page and click on JMS Modules inside Environmet - Messaging section :
* Click on DemoSystemModule-0
* Click New
* Choose Connection Factory
* Next
* Fill Name your JNDI Name as /com/weblogic/base/cf
* Next
* Next
* Finish

* Click New again
* Choose Distributed Queue
* Next
* Fill Name your JNDI Name as /com/weblogic/base/dq
* Next
* Finish

* Click New again
* Choose Distributed Topic
* Next
* Fill Name your JNDI Name as /com/weblogic/base/dt
* Next
* Finish

5. Congratulations!! You are all set.
JMS Queue Posting Program
* Go to poster directory inside com.example.weblogic.weblogicjms
* Now, run PostToQueue.main()
JMS Queue Reading Program
* Go to reader directory inside com.example.weblogic.weblogicjms
* Now, run ReadFromQueue.main()
JMS Topic Posting Program
* Go to poster directory inside com.example.weblogic.weblogicjms
* Now, run PostToTopic.main()
JMS Topic Reading Program
* Go to reader directory inside com.example.weblogic.weblogicjms
* Now, run ReadFromTopic.main()
The source code is available at :
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